The second season of the Pokemon animated series focuses on Ash Ketchum’s journey through the Orange Islands. This comes right after Ash loses in the Indigo Plateau’s Pokemon League tournament. He decides to travel to a new location and continue his journey to become the greatest trainer that has ever lived. We have put together a fun but challenging Pokemon season 2 quiz that will test your knowledge. This will include specific questions about things that happened during the season.
The Ultimate Pokemon Season 2 Quiz
Instructions: We give you 10 multiple choice questions and you have to choose the correct answer. It is that simple. It will move you to the next question after you pick your answer.
Pokemon Adventures in the Orange Islands Trivia Questions And Answers
1) What Year Was Season 2 Released (In Both Japan & In The United States)
Season 2 was released in 1999 in both the United States and Japan. In Japan, it was released on January 28th, 1999. In the United States, it came out on December 4th, 1999.
2) Who Joined Ash & Misty As Their Travelling Companion For The Season?
Tracey Sketchit joined Ash and Misty for the season as their travelling companion. They met him during the episode, ‘The Lost Lapras’, where Ash added Lapras to his team.
Tracey later would stop traveling with Ash and the gang and became Professor Oak’s assistant at his lab.
3) What Is The Name Of The First Gym Leader That Ash Beats In The Orange League, Who Gives Out The Coral-Eye Badge?
Cissy is the name of the first gym leader and she used a Seadra and a Blastoise on her team. Trainer’s that beat her were given the Coral-Eye badge.
4) Which Professor Does Brock Stay Behind With To Be Their Assistant During The Season?
Brock stays behind with Professor Ivy during the season to serve as her assistant. This is why Tracey served as Ash’s traveling companion in the season instead of Brock.
5) What Is The Name Of The Second Gym Leader That Ash Beats In The Orange League, Who Gives Out The Sea Ruby Badge?
Danny is the name of the second gym leader and he uses a Nidoqueen, Machoke, Scyther, Electrode, and Geodude. Trainer’s that beat him were given the Sea Ruby badge.
6) What Is The Name Of The Third Gym Leader That Ash Beats In The Orange League, Who Gives Out The Spike Shell Badge?
Rudy is the name of the third gym leader and he uses a Electabuzz, Exeggutor, Starmie, Golem, Hitmonchan, Alakazam, Pidgeot, Rhydon, Venomoth, and Ninetales. Trainer’s that beat him were given the Spike Shell badge.
7) What Is The Name Of The Fourth Gym Leader That Ash Beats In The Orange League, Who Gives Out The Jade Star Badge?
Luana is the name of the fourth gym leader and she uses an Alakazam and Marowak. She gives out the Jade Star badge to anyone who beats her in battle.
8) True Or False: Ash won the Orange League Championship.
This is true as Ash was able to win the Orange League. Many people forget about this because it only had four badges, unlike most of the other regions. It is generally believed to not count in terms of the Pokemon League.
Speaking of the ageless wonder, make sure to check out our Ash Ketchum quiz.
9) Who did Ash defeat to win the Orange League Championship?
Ash defeats Drake, who is the Supreme Leader of the Orange League and he uses a Dragonite, Ditto, Onix, Gengar, Venusaur, and Electabuzz.
10) In The Final Episode Of The Season (‘The Rivalry Revival’), Ash Battles Gary. Who Wins?
Gary beats Ash in their battle in ‘The Rivalry Revival’. Gary uses his Eevee in the battle and Ash uses his Pikachu during the battle.
Speaking of our favorite yellow mouse, you can take our Pikachu quiz.
How did you score on our Pokemon season 2 quiz? We would also love to know what your favorite moment or episode was from the season! Let us know in the comment section or on social media.
If you enjoyed this, you can also take our Pokemon with Gender differences quiz.