Pokemon Gen 1 Quiz: 10 Trivia Questions About Red & Blue

Red and Blue are two of the most iconic games in the Pokemon Franchise. We have put together a challenging Pokemon Gen 1 quiz for you to test your knowledge of the games. This includes 10 trivia questions and answers about specific moments from the iconic video games. Get ready for some tough questions and for a lot of nostalgia!

Pokemon Gen 1 Quiz: Can You Get Perfect?

Instructions: All you have to do is click on your answer and it will move you on to the next question. At the very end, we will give you a score out of 10. You can also keep reading below, where we provide you with some additional context on each question.

Lance (Of The Elite 4) Uses The Same Pokemon Twice. Which One Is It?
What Is The Name Of The First Member Of The Elite 4, Who Uses Ice-Type Pokemon?
Who Is The Highest Leveled Pokemon On Giovanni's Team (8th Gym Leader)
Which Of These Pokemon Is NOT On Lt. Surge's Team?
In Cerulean City, A Man Offers To Trade For Your Poliwhirl. If You Make The Trade, Which Pokemon Do You Get In Return?
In The Cinnabar Island Laboratory, A Man Offers To Trade You His Seel. Which Pokemon Does He Ask For In Return?
How Many Trainers Do You Have To Beat In The Pewter City Gym Before You Face Brock?
True Or False: Your Rival Has A Sandslash On His Team During Your Final Battle?
What Is The Name Of The Badge That You Get After Beating Erika?
Before You Go Onto Nugget Bridge, You Have To Battle Your Rival. Which Of These Pokemon Is NOT On His Team?
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Pokemon Generation 1 Quiz Questions And Answers

Here is some additional context on each question about the first generation. This will help you with any of the ones that you may have gotten wrong and will provide more details.

1) How Many Trainers Do You Have To Beat In The Pewter City Gym Before You Face Brock?

There is only one trainer that you need to beat in the Pewter City gym. He is a Jr. Trainer who has a Diglett and a Sandshrew on his team. After you beat him, you get to challenge Brock for your first gym badge.

2) Before You Go Onto Nugget Bridge, You Have To Battle Your Rival. Which Of These Pokemon Is NOT On His Team (This does not include his Starter)

The answer is Growlithe as your rival has a Pidgeotto, Rattata, and an Abra at this point. He also has the stronger start Pokemon based on what you picked at the beginning of the game.

3) In Cerulean City, A Man Offers To Trade For Your Poliwhirl. If You Make The Trade, Which Pokemon Do You Get In Return?

The man in Cerulean City offers to trade your Poliwhirl for his Jynx.

4) Which Of These Pokemon Is NOT On Lt. Surge’s Team?

The answer is a Magnemite as Surge has a Pikachu, Voltorb, and a Raichu. He is the third gym leader that is located in Vermillion City.

Speaking of electric Pokemon, make sure to also take our Pikachu quiz.

5) What Is The Name Of The Badge That You Get After Beating Erika?

Erika gives out the Rainbow Badge after you beat her. She has a Victreebel, Tangela, and Vileplume on her team.

6) In The Cinnabar Island Laboratory, A Man Offers To Trade You His Seel. Which Pokemon Does He Ask For In Return?

The man asks for a Ponyta in return for a Seel. There are also several other trades in that same lab.

7) Who Is The Highest Leveled Pokemon On Giovanni’s Team (8th Gym Leader)

The highest-leveled Pokemon on Giovanni’s team is a Rhydon, who is level 50. He also has a strong Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and Dugtrio. After beating him, you are able to go and challenge the Pokemon team.

8) What Is The Name Of The First Member Of The Elite 4, Who Uses Ice-Type Pokemon?

The answer is Lorelei who serves as the first person of the Elite 4 that you have to defeat. She has a team that consists of Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowbro, Jynx, and Lapras.

9) Lance Uses The Same Pokemon Twice. Which One Is It?

The answer is Dragonair, who Lance uses twice during his final battle against you during. He also has a Gyarados, Aerodactyl, and a Dragonite.

10) True Or False: Your Rival Has A Sandslash On His Team During Your Final Battle?

This is false as your rival only has a Sandslash on his team during this battle in the Yellow version. In Red and Blue, he has a Pidgeot, Alakazam, and Rhydon. He also has a combination of Gyarados, Exeggutor, Arcanine, Charizard, Blastoise, and Venusaur but this depends on who you picked as your starter.

How did you score on our Pokemon gen 1 quiz? Let me know in the comment section below or on Twitter. We would also love to know what your favorite game is from the first generation.

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