Ash Ketchum Quiz: The Ultimate Trivia Challenge

Ash Ketchum is the main character of the Pokemon anime series. The series follows Ash as he tries to become the greatest trainer on the planet. We have put together the ultimate Ash Ketchum quiz that will test your knowledge. This includes different things that happened during the anime series. Can you prove that you know everything about him by acing this?

The Ultimate Ash Ketchum Quiz

INSTRUCTIONS: All you have to do is answer the questions below and we will give you a score at the very end. It will automatically move you on to the next question after you select your answer. There will also be social sharing buttons at the end so that you can easily share your result.

Which Starter Pokemon Did Ash Originally Want?
This was before he received his Pikachu
What Is The Name Of Ash's Mom?
What Was The First Pokemon That Ash Caught?
After he got his Pikachu
Which Pokemon Did Ash Trade His Butterfree For?
Hint: He ended up trading back for it
True Or False: Ash Has Had The Same Voice Actor For Every Episode Of The English Version Of The Anime Series
True Or False: Ash Evolved His Quilava Into A Typhlosion
How Old Was Ash When He Started The Anime Series?
Hint: He Has Never Aged
Who Did Ash Beat To Become The Champion Of The Alola League?
Who Did Ash Trade His Aipom For?
How Many Tauros Does Ash Have?
They are all at Professor Oak's lab
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Ash Ketchum Trivia Questions & Answers

Here are all of the questions and answers about Ash from the quiz that you just answered. This will provide you with some additional context about each answer.

1) What Is The Name Of Ash’s Mom?

Ash’s mom is named Delia Ketchum. She has been a recurring character in the anime series since the beginning and has made plenty of appearances. Delia has a Mr. Mime that stays with her in Pallet Town and sometimes even travels with her.

2) What Was The First Pokemon That Ash Caught (After Getting Pikachu)?

The first Pokemon that Ash ever caught was a Caterpie. This doesn’t count Pikachu, which he was given as his starter. He later evolved his Caterpie into a Metapod and later it evolved into a Butterfree.

  • On a related note, make sure to take our Pikachu quiz to test your knowledge of his trusty companion.

3) Which Starter Pokemon Did Ash Originally Want Before He Received A Pikachu?

Ash originally wanted a Squirtle when he was going to receive his first Pokemon. He ended up sleeping in and all of the other starters were taken. As a result, Ash ended up with his Pikachu as the last possible option. This turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to Ash, as he and Pikachu have become inseparable ever since. Pikachu has also become the strongest member of his team.

4) How Old Was Ash When He Started The Anime Series? (Hint: He Has Never Aged)

Ash was 10 years old when he started the series and he has not aged since! The series has kept him at 10 years old for every episode in the series.

5) True Or False: Ash Has Had The Same Voice Actor For Every Episode Of The English Version Of The Anime Series

This is false as there have been a few different voice actors for the character. That includes both Veronica Taylor and Sarah Natochenny. Veronica is the best known version.

6) Which Pokemon Did Ash Trade His Butterfree For (Before Trading Back)?

Ash traded his Butterfree for a Raticate. He ended up trading back for it after realizing that he missed his Butterfree. Luckily the trainer was willing to send it back to him.

7) How Many Tauros’ Does Ash Have?

Ash has 30 Tauros’ and they all stay with Professor Oak at his laboratory.

8) True Or False: Ash Evolved His Quilava Into A Typhlosion

This is false as Ash has yet to evolve his Quilava into a Typhlosion. He likely will never do this as he hasn’t used his Quilava in a long time.

9) Who Did Ash Trade His Aipom For?

Ash traded his Aipom to Dawn for her Buizel. Dawn has gone on to evolve it into a Ambipom. Ash has not evolved his Buizel into a Floatzel as of writing this.

10) Who Did Ash Beat To Become The Champion Of The Alola League?

Ash beat Gladion to become the Champion of the Aloha League. This came during episode 1079 of the anime, which was called Enter the Champion. This was the very first time that Ash had ever won the Pokemon League.

So, how did you score on our Pikachu quiz? Let me know how you scored in the comment section below and also on Twitter. Make sure to also take our ‘Who’s That Pokemon’ quiz.

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