Who’s That Pokemon? The Ultimate Quiz

Are you ready to take the most difficult ‘Who’s That Pokemon’ quiz on the web today? Instead of images, we raised the difficulty a little bit. We will give you a description or small fact about a Pokemon and you will have to name the one that you think it is. This is a difficult trivia game that includes questions from all Generations of Pokemon. As a result, only the biggest fans will be able to get a perfect score.

The Ultimate Who’s That Pokemon Quiz

Instructions: All you have to do is answer the multiple-choice questions below and try to guess the Pokemon that you think we are describing. It will automatically move you on to the next question, so it should be pretty easy to follow. There are also social sharing buttons so that you can easily share it with your friends.

I Am A Fish That Has Two Different Appearances: Red-Striped Form & Blue Striped Form (Generation 5)
I Evolve Into Lumineon (Generation 4)
Garbodor Evolves From Me
I Am The Only Baby Pokemon Listed Below That Was NOT Introduced In Generation 2
I Am Number #500 On The Pokedex (Generation 5)
I Evolve From Slakoth & Evolve Into Slaking (Generation 3)
I Evolve From Elgyem (Generation 5)
I Am The Generation 2 Pokemon That Is Based On A Deer
I Am The Eeveelution That Is Listed Right After Eevee On The Pokedex (#134).
I Am #10 On The Pokedex After The Original Starters & Their Evolutions.
I Evolve From Timburr & Evolve Into Conkeldurr (Generation 5)
I Am The Baby Form Of Sudowoodo (Generation 4)
I Have Three Different Forms After I Evolve: Midday, Midnight & Dusk Forms (Generation 7)
I Am The Legendary Pokemon That Has Three Different Appearances: 10% Forme, 50% Forme & Complete Forme (Generation 6)
I Am The Generation 6 Pokemon That Is Based On A Real-Life Poodle
I Evolve From Aipom (Generation 4)
I Am The Rock & Fighting Legendary that was introduced in Generation 5
I Evolve Into Loudred & Then Into Exploud (Generation 3)
I Evolve Into Kricketune (Generation 4)
I Am The Legendary Bird That Comes First On The Pokedex (#144).
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Who’s That Pokemon: Trivia Questions & Answers

Here are all of the questions and answers from the quiz. We have also provided you with some additional context about each question and answer.

1) I Am #10 On The Pokedex After The Original Starters (& Their Evolutions).

The answer is Caterpie as it is number 10 on the original Pokedex. It follows the original starter Pokemon and all of their evolutions. Caterpie evolves into Metapod and then into Butterfree. If you are a fan of the early video games, chances are that you are extremely familiar with Caterpie and its evolutions.

2) I Am The Only Baby Pokemon Listed That Was NOT Introduced In Generation 2 (Togepi, Tyrogue, Igglybuff, or Azurill)

Azurill is the only name mentioned that was note introduced in Generation 2 (it was introduced in Generation 3). Togepi, Tyrogue, and Igglybuff were all introduced in Generation 2. Azurill evolves into Marill and then into Azumarill. Azurill is a normal and fairy combination but Marill and Azumarill are water and fairy combinations.

3) I Am The Eeveelution That Is Listed Right After Eevee On The Pokedex (#134).

The Eeveelution that comes right after Eevee on the Pokedex is Vaporeon. After that, Vaporeon is then followed by Jolteon and Flareon on the Pokedex.

4) I Evolve From Slakoth & Into Slaking (Generation 3)

The answer is Vigoroth who evolves from Slakoth and then into Slaking. All three of them are normal-types that were introduced in Generation 3.

5) I Am Number #500 On The Pokedex

The answer is Emboar as it is #500 on the National Pokedex. It evolves from Tepig (which is a starer from Generation 5) and then from Pignite. Emboar is a fire and fighting combination.

6) I Am The Rock & Fighting Legendary that was introduced in Generation 5

The answer is Terrakion and it is one-third of the ‘Swords of Justice’ that were introduced in Generation 5. The other two are Cobalion and Virizion.

7) I Am The Legendary Bird That Comes First On The Pokedex (#144).

The legendary bird that comes first on the Pokedex is Articuno. It is then followed by Zapdos and Moltres. Together, they make up the original trio of legendary bird Pokemon. Fans of the earlier Pokemon games and anime series will be very familiar with them.

8) I Evolve From Timburr & Evolve Into Conkeldurr (Generation 5)

The answer is Gurdurr who evolves from Timburr and then into Conkeldurr. All three of them are pure fighting types.

9) Garbodor Evolves From Me

Garbodor evolves from Trubbish and they were both introduced in Generation 5. Both of them are poison types and they also represent piles of garbage.

10) I Am The Generation 6 Pokemon That Is Based On A Real-Life Poodle

The answer is Furfrou as it is based on a poodle. It was introduced in Generation 6 and there are several different styles that you can trim its hair into.

11) I Am The Generation 2 Pokemon That Is Based On A Deer

The answer is Stantler which doesn’t evolve into anything. It was introduced in Generation 2 and is a normal type. There are a few other Pokemon that are based on deers, including Deerling, Sawsbuck, and Xerneas.

12) I Evolve Into Kricketune (Generation 4)

The answer is Kricketot, which a bug type that was introduced in Generation 4. It evolves into Kricketune starting at level 10.

13) I Am A Fish That Has Two Different Appearances: Red-Striped Form & Blue Striped Form (Generation 5)

The answer is Basculin, which was introduced in Generation 5. It has two different forms, red-striped and blue-striped.

14) I Am The Legendary Pokemon That Has Three Different Appearances: 10% Forme, 50% Forme & Complete Forme (Generation 6)

The answer is Zygarde, which is a dragon and ground combination that was introduced in Generation 6. Zygarde is considered one of the ‘aura trio’ of legendaries alongside Xerneas and Yveltal.

15) I Evolve Into Lumineon (Generation 4)

The answer is Finneon, which was introduced in Generation 4. It is a fish that evolves into Lumineon. Both of them are probably two of the most obscure Pokemon.

16) I Evolve Into Loudred & Then Into Exploud (Generation 3)

The answer is Whismur, which is a normal-type that was introduced in Generation 3. It evolves into Loudred and then into Exploud.

17) I Evolve From Elgyem (Generation 5)

The answer is Beheeyem, which is a psychic-type. It was introduced in Generation 5 and evolves from Elgyem at level 42.

18) I Have Three Different Forms After I Evolve: Midday, Midnight & Dusk Forms (Generation 7)

The answer is Lycanroc as it has three different forms after evolving from Rockruff. Lycanroc is a rock-type that also resembles a wolf.

19) I Evolve From Aipom (Generation 4)

The answer is Ambipom as it evolves after you level up an Aipom while it knows the move Double Hit. Both Aipom and Ambipom are purple monkeys.

20) I Am The Baby Form Of Sudowoodo (Generation 4)

The answer is Bonsly, which evolves into Sudowoodo after you level it up while it knows the move mimic. Sudowoodo is best known for blocking the road during some of the early video games.

How did you score on our who’s That Pokemon quiz? Let me know in the comment section below and also on Twitter. This was designed to be tough, so if you were able to score really high, you should be proud!

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