Pikachu Quiz: The Ultimate Trivia Challenge

Even if you are not that familiar with Pokemon, chances are that you know what a Pikachu is. It has been the mascot of the series since the beginning and it has also been a main character of the anime series. We have put together the ultimate Pikachu quiz to test your knowledge. This includes trivia questions from the games, anime, and more. Only hardcore fans will be able to get a perfect score!

The Ultimate Pikachu Quiz

Instructions: Just answer the 10 trivia questions below and we will give you a score at the end. It will automatically move you on to the next question and there will also be social sharing buttons at the end. You can find more context about each question below if you want more information.

What Is The Name Of Ritchie's Pikachu In The Anime?
How Can You Tell Male & Female Pikachu's Apart?
In The Anime, Ash Gains Pikachu's Trust After Protecting It From A Group Of What?
In Which Of These Games Can You Win A Pikachu At The Celadon City Game Corner?
What is Pikachu's Best Base Stat?
Pichu Evolves Into Pikachu After ______
True Or False: You Are Not Able To Get A Pikachu In Let’s Go Eevee
What Is The Name Of The Ghost/Fairy Pokemon From Generation 6 That Resembles A Pikachu
In Pokemon Yellow, Pikachu Knows Thundershock and Growl When You First Get It. What Is The First Move That It Learns (At Level 6)?
What Number Is Pikachu On The Pokedex?
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Pikachu Quiz Questions & Answers

Here is a full list of all of the trivia questions and also some more context about each of them.

1) What Number Is Pikachu On The Pokedex?

Pikachu is #25 on the Pokedex. It comes after Arbok and right before its evolved form, Raichu.

2) In The Anime, Ash Gains Pikachu’s Trust After Protecting It From A Group Of What?

Ash Ketchum gains the trust of his Pikachu after saving it from a flock of Spearow. This comes during the very first episode of the anime, which is called Pokémon – I Choose You!.

3) How Can You Tell Male & Female Pikachu’s Apart?

You are able to tell the gender difference of Pikachu’s by their tails. Female Pikachus have a dent in their tail which looks like a heart.

4) In Pokemon Yellow, Pikachu Knows Thundershock and Growl When You First Get It. What Is The First Move That It Learns (At Level 6)?

Pikachu learns Tail Whip at level 6 in Yellow. It then learns Thunder Wave, Quick Attack, and Double Team.

5) Pichu Evolves Into Pikachu After ______

Pichu evolves when you level it up with a high enough friendship level. Pikachu then evolves into Raichu after using a Thunder Stone.

6) In Which Of These Games Can You Win A Pikachu At The Celadon City Game Corner? (Crystal, Gold, Silver, or None Of The Above)

You are able to win a Pikachu in Pokemon Crystal. This comes at the Game Corner in Celadon City for 2222 coins. You can also win one in the Pokemon Blue game.

7) What Is The Name Of Ritchie’s Pikachu In The Anime?

Ritchie has a Pikachu in the anime that is called ‘Sparky’. Ritchie is a rival of Ash and has made multiple appearances. He also has a Charmeleon named ‘Zippo’, a Butterfree named ‘Happy’ and a Pupitar named ‘Cruise’.

8) What is Pikachu’s Best Base Stat?

Pikachu’s best base stat is speed, which is typically set at 90 in the video games.

9) What Is The Name Of The Ghost/Fairy Pokemon That Resembles A Pikachu

The answer is Mimikyu, which was introduced in Generation 6. It is a Ghost and Fairy combination that resembles Pikachu.

10) True Or False: You Are Not Able To Get A Pikachu In Let’s Go Eevee

This is false as you are able to find one in Viridian Forest in Let’s Go Eevee. Pikachu is the starter Pokemon in Let’s Go Pikachu, which means that you get it right off the bat.

Some Additional Pikachu Facts

Here are some additional facts about everyone’s favorite electric mouse:

1) There was a third evolution planned for after Pikachu but it was scrapped. This would have been called ‘Gorochu’ and it would have had fangs and horns.

2) Clefairy was originally rumored to be the mascot for Pokemon but they ended up changing it to Pikachu. Safe to say they made the right call as the franchise has gone on to have an incredible amount of success.

3) Pikachu is Ash’s only electric-type Pokemon in the anime series.

4) In the manga, Ash’s Pikachu was called ‘Jean-Luc Pikachu’.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Pikachu:

What level does Pikachu evolve?

Pikachu does NOT evolve using the traditional leveling system. To evolve it into a Raichu, you need to use a Thunder Stone on it. You also need to level up your Pichu with a high enough friendship level in order to get it to evolve into a Pikachu.

What animal is Pikachu?

The original idea for the character was reportedly inspired by a squirrel. The creators ended up going with more of an electric mouse.

So, how did you score on our Pikachu quiz? Let me know in the comment section below and also on Twitter. If you have any facts that you would like to share, we would love for you to get into contact with us.

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